Workplace Inspections 
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Workplace Inspections
If you have concerns that the workplace inspections performed by your JHSC and management team may not be addressing all the compliance issues they should be, DTI offers a complete inspection service that covers everything likely to be reviewed by MOL inspectors.
We start by mapping your workplace and identifying all building facility, emergency facility, equipment and job task inspection areas.  This gives you with a comprehensive checklist of inspections areas.  We then develop the safety standard for each inspection area.  This gives you the legal and/or industry standard for each inspection area.
Our inspections include an item by item review including safe work procedures.  You receive a complete inspection report identifying areas of concern with action plans detailing the specific OHSA, CSA, safe work procedure or industry standard non-compliance details.  The action plans provide a hazard rating, recommendations for correcting the problem and a timetable for execution and completion.
Whether you choose to have DTI conduct an inspection monthly, quarterly or semi-annually, it`s a great way to ensure critical areas are not overlooked because of complacency or time constraints.
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